Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Last Summer (Thai Horror Movie, June 2013)

                                                It's been a long time since I haven't watch a movie. then this movie came along and was shown in our country, I know I just had to watch.

                                    According to some articles I have read, this is a 4-in-1 movie. Same story, but different plots. also, it's the first movie that Talent 1 studio has made.  

                          The 1st part of the movie is where Singh invites his friends, Joy, a young star and his love, Garn, and Meen, Joy's best friend, to go to the beach. They runaway and had some fun. However, things didn't end well. Somehow, Joy ended up getting asthma from the drink that boys gave to her and she died. Singh and Garn dispose's her body. As for Meen, she cries for help. As Singh and Garn tries to throw Joy away, Joy's body haunts them as Singh folds her in her luggage. Unfortunately, they died... except for Meen.

                                           The 2nd part is the aftermath of Singh, Garn and Joy's death. However for Meen, she was still alive and became the witness of what happened. As she goes back to school, people mourn for Joy's death and made a memorial just for her. But as for Meen, she takes Joy's spotlight, became center of attention, like Joy, and got the scholarship she wanted. but somehow, Meen became delusional as she sees writings like "Liar" in the wall and the bathroom. She found out it all hoax. but Joy's spirit haunts her. thus, the revelation comes out that it was Meen who killed her in the beach house. Meen ended up falling from rooftop of their school and drop from stage.

                              The 3rd part is Joy's little brother, Ting, and her mother. As months pass by from Joy's death, Ting's mother still mourns for Joy  and keeps the things that Joy possesses whereas she didn't pay attention to her son, Ting, who was an athlete at school, The same school where Singh, Garn, Meen and Joy attended. He got the attention he want but soon to realize that his mom was in it to make his son win by bribery. Both of them made a deal that if he won, they'll leave their home because Ting knows that her Sister's spirit is in their house. Unfortunately, Joy broke Ting's leg. They were about to move when an unfortunate incident happened. The electricity went out but his mom found out that Ting destroyed his sister's life because of Jealousy. and that's when Joy comes out and haunts her brother while she plays recorded tapes on her mom's room. Ting escape from her sister and barged in his mother's room. Suddenly, a video tape of Joy plays where she was still little and dancing like a ballerina. The final tape shows of Little Joy bidding farewell to them while she dances away.

                        The epilogue or the final part of the movie is the days that Joy was still alive. The days where Joy got the part of a movie, meets Singh and became his girlfriend, Meen makes a promise that she and Joy will still be friends forever, Singh bids farewell, Joy crying when her mother found out that she was stripping in front of a boy, who was Singh, she posts a status of getting a suicide, where Singh invites her for to go the beach, and leaving the house with the suitcase.

                         Overall, the movie talks about Jealousy, Friendship, Love and Truth. I would rate this movie a 7 out of 10.

Credits (photos):

Sunday, December 1, 2013

MMFF 2013


                                    Every December in the Philippines, they showcase different Filipino movies. and they call it, "Metro Manila Film festival". Unfortunately, there were some movies who didn't made it on the list. and some backed out. like the movie version of the hit morning teleserye in ABS-CBN, "Be Careful With My Heart." According to reports, the reason why was because they don't have the time. thus, they have to back out. But from an Article I read, there will be a movie version of the said show. They haven't told the date, but it will come sooner or later. 

                                      On the other hand, Here are the official entries of the 39th MMFF. 

  • Girl,Boy,Bakla,Tomboy (Starring: Vice Ganda, Maricel Soriano, Joey                                                         Marquez, Xyriel Manabat, Kiray Celis)
                                    - Quadruplet siblings who live separately but got reunited, who turned into one big mess.

  •    Pagpag (Starring: Kathryn Bernardo, Daniel Padilla, Paulo Avelino,                        Shaina Magdayao) 
                    - A superstitious belief about once you visit a funeral, you have to follow the rules in order for you not to be followed by the Spirit of The Dead.

  •     Boy Golden (Starring: ER Ejercito, KC Concepcion, Eddie Garcia) 
                          - An action movie about the life of Arthur Porcuna, portrayed by ER Ejercito.

  •     Kimmy Dora: Ang Kiyemeng Prequel (Starring: Eugene Domingo, Ariel                                                           Ureta, Angel Aquino, Joel Torre,                                                           Sam Milby)
                                                       - The story starts How the twin siblings get to the top.

  • 10,000 Hours (Starring: Robin Padilla, Pen Medina, Michael De Mesa,                           Bella Padilla)
                         - A man who obeys the law but then got betrayed by the law.

  •    My Little Bossings (Starring: Vic Sotto, Ryzza Mae Dizon, James                                          "Bimby" Aquino-Yap, Kris Aquino)
                                   - Baba Atienza (Kris Aquino) and her son's, Justin (Bimby), life is in danger. and Baba thought that Justin will have to live to Torky's (Vic Sotto) house for the meantime. As for Justin, He meets Ching. and the two of them will teach other the life they live.

  •   Kaleidoscope World (Starring: Yassi Pressman, Sef Cayadona)
                                    - A Hip-hop musical movie dedicated to Francis M.

  •   Pedro Calungsod: Batang Martir (Starring: Rocco Nacino, Christian                                                         Vasquez)
                                                     - The Life and Time of the Filipino saint, Pedro Calungsod.

                                   Before these 8 movies premieres on Cinemas, there will be a parade float for each movie. and then a few nights after, there will be an awards night. 

Friday, October 25, 2013

It's Showtime's 4th year anniversary

             From October 21 to 26, The ABS-CBN Noon Variety show celebrates their 4th anniversary. This is the time that the "It's Showtime" hosts will compete for charity. all of them will perform and will be judged by special set of "Hurados". On their 1st and 2nd anniversary, the hosts' performed individually (except for Jugs and Teddy). But on their 3rd anniversary, they were divided into 6 groups. This time, they were divided into 5 groups. Unfortunately, for this anniversary, Kuya Kim was absent for several days because he had an illness. and his partner was Vice Ganda.

        The first group to perform were Eric Tai and Ryan Bang with a very hilarious performance.

        The second group to perform were Karylle, Jugs and Teddy with a very mind blown performance. 

           The third group to perform were Vhong, Billy and Coleen with a very Futuristic inspired theme. 

             The Fourth group to perform were Vice and Kuya Kim. Since he was sick, Vice had to perform without him and had to change everything. What he did instead was an Acrobatic slash concert performance.

             The fifth and the final group to perform were Anne and Jhong with a Romantic movie themed performance

               Tomorrow will be deliberation day. The Judges will choose which group will win tomorrow. On the 1st anniversary, Jugs and Teddy won while on the 2nd anniversary, Anne won. but on the 3rd anniversary, Three groups won, and they were Team Karylle and Anne, Team Billy and Vhong and Team Jugs Teddy.                        

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Countdown (Thai Horror Movie, December 2012)

                                From the producer of the two Hit Thai Horror Movies, "Shutter" and "Phobia", comes another Horror movie that will make everyone (well maybe) relate to.

                     The story sets on New York City where three Thai teens lives in  a small apartment. Bee, Pam and Jack have different aspects in life. Pam is like one of those girls on teen movies you always watch, where she only thinks about herself and have sex with men. Jack, on the other hand, is a rebellious son who spends his Father's money on going to clubs and buy weed (Marijuana). while Bee is Jack's girlfriend with a very mysterious personality. 

                 One night, they decided to have some fun by ordering some weeds from a seller. As Jack picks up a strange calling card from a weed seller, he puts the pieces together and calls the weed seller. He decides to invite him on New Years Eve. But as "Jesus" (pronounced as, Hay-sus) makes some fun with them, everything turns upside down when things got a whole lot messier.

                       I really love the movie to be honest. I'm not going to spoil anything from the movie. but all I can say is, It's a must watch movie, a lesson that will wake everyone up and be faced by guilt from their conscience. An 8 out of 10 for me.

(Note: The movie may have some funny scenes but there are things that Jesus said that are very not good to hear. at all. The movie also has Violence, Sex, Language and Blasphemy. It is Rated-R. Only for 16 years old and above.)

Monday, March 11, 2013

One Direction is going waxed!

            Well, I'm sure you've heard of Madame Tussaud, right? Well, some might be. Some don't.

             As you all know who is Madame Tussaud. she creates wax figures of famous artists, persons and characters.

             She had made a lot of wax figures! She made a wax figure of Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, Obama, The Jonas Brothers, Robert Pattinson, Leonardo Di Caprio, Samuel Jackson, Miley Cyrus, Albert Einstein, Kim Kardashian, Justin Beiber and so much more.


               And now, another famous group (Yes! group) is set to join and will have a wax figure. and they are no other than.... ONE DIRECTION!!

              Yep!! They are getting wax figures!! According to some sources, One Direction were measured for their waxes. 


                 According to the boys, they can't believe that they are having a wax figure of themselves. All of them were excited. 

                Well, not only you boys, as long as the fans who are dying to meet the wax figures of 1D.

                Also, just like the boys, these waxes will be on tour! Talk about being realistic! 

                 anyways for more info, go to

Saturday, February 9, 2013


To those who haven't watched the new eps of glee and missed out the latest news about the show, here's what you missed.

In the "Break-up" episode, Rachel and Finn, Santana and Brittany, and Kurt and Blaine are breaking up. except for Mr. Schue and Ms. Pillsbury. In that episode, Mr. Schue is leaving and is now going to Washington while Ms. Pillsbury stays.

Meanwhile, Finn returns to Lima and gets to be the substitute teacher for the glee club while Mr. Schue is gone. 

But in the "Diva" episode, Emma prepares her wedding with Mr. Schue but just went panic mode when she says that he'll leave her like what happened to her and Carl. Finn comes in trying to relax emma, but he just suddenly kissed her, which made the audience guess that in the next episodes, Emma will realize that Finn is for her.

on the other note, Tina Cohen-Chang broke up with Mike Chang. In the "Sadie Hawkins" episode, she realizes that she is in love with Blaine Anderson. though, Blaine is too blind to realize the true love that Tina is showing to him, Tina never gives up and continue to make Blaine fall in love to her.

Also in the "Diva" episode, Santana returns to McKinley High again. but somehow, her ex (who is Brittany), finds out that she is no longer attending College. She somehow said that she will replace Sue's place if Sue dies. but for the meantime, she leaves Lima and goes to New York. In the last scene of that episode, Santana moves in to Kurt and Rachel's apartment.

In the next ep, which the episode is entitled "I Do", Will and Emma are going to be married but as Emma still remembers the kissing scene with her and Finn, will Emma leave the Wedding like before and be with Finn? and what if Mr. Schue will know about this? will he accept this?

The tension is getting higher in the Next Episode. so watch out!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Justin Bieber's "Believe Acoustic"

    Justin Bieber is back with a new album that is set to released this January 29, 2013. and it is entitled, "Believe Acoustic". 

   In his album are all acoustic versions from his hit album, "Believe". Also featuring his hit singles from the album like "Boyfriend", "As Long As You Love Me" and "Beauty and a Beat"

   In his twitter account, Justin keeps on Tweeting everyday about his album. and ending it with a hashtag of the days left on the release date of his acoustic album. Just like Justin, His fans, too, are now eager and excited for the release of the album. 

  In the other note, Justin Bieber surpassed Lady Gaga for the most followed person in Twitter. Making Justin the new ruler of Twitter. but still, Gaga and JB are still the Twitter King and Queen.

Friday, January 25, 2013

About the blog....

Let me just tell you guys that this blog of mine is all about the latest trend in music, television and Movies. (I wanted to do Fashion, but meh! never mind!) I will post those kind of stuff If i'm not busy... but anyways, welcome to my blog! :)

Hey y'all!

Finally, I now have a Blogspot! and I can't wait to wait to post stuff that I like  about. :) Hope you love me!