Monday, March 11, 2013

One Direction is going waxed!

            Well, I'm sure you've heard of Madame Tussaud, right? Well, some might be. Some don't.

             As you all know who is Madame Tussaud. she creates wax figures of famous artists, persons and characters.

             She had made a lot of wax figures! She made a wax figure of Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, Obama, The Jonas Brothers, Robert Pattinson, Leonardo Di Caprio, Samuel Jackson, Miley Cyrus, Albert Einstein, Kim Kardashian, Justin Beiber and so much more.


               And now, another famous group (Yes! group) is set to join and will have a wax figure. and they are no other than.... ONE DIRECTION!!

              Yep!! They are getting wax figures!! According to some sources, One Direction were measured for their waxes. 


                 According to the boys, they can't believe that they are having a wax figure of themselves. All of them were excited. 

                Well, not only you boys, as long as the fans who are dying to meet the wax figures of 1D.

                Also, just like the boys, these waxes will be on tour! Talk about being realistic! 

                 anyways for more info, go to